Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Con Agra letter re: Westland Beef

ConAgra Foods Sales
Five ConAgra Drive
Omaha, NE 68102


As you’re aware, the beef processor Westland Beef recently issued a recall for nearly 145 million pounds of beef, resulting in further recent direction from USDA for food manufacturers with processed products containing any amount of Westland Beef. The USDA has determined that the risk of any human harm from this beef is remote. Today, I want to provide you with an update from ConAgra Foods regarding our products and the steps we are taking to fully understand the scope of how our products may be impacted.

Since learning about the animal welfare violations for which Westland Beef has been implicated, we have been conducting our own investigation regarding any potential impact on ConAgra Foods products. At this time, we can tell you that:

§ ConAgra Foods (or its suppliers) has sourced a very limited amount of beef from Westland. We calculate that the amount of Westland beef used in our products comprises less than one half of one percent of the total amount of beef we use in our products.
§ Very few ConAgra Foods products made in the past six months include beef sourced from Westland. Although our investigation is still underway, the only ConAgra Foods products that may contain meat from this supplier deal involved very limited production dates.
§ We expect to have an accurate assessment complete by Monday, 2/25/08. At that time, we will provide you detailed information about impacted product and any potential next steps. If we have provided any product to you containing beef sourced from Westland, we will contact you by the end of day Monday with more information on product specifics and next steps.

I want to emphasize that there is nothing more important to ConAgra Foods than the quality, safety and wholesomeness of our products and that we are taking swift action to work with the USDA in this matter. I am available at 402-595-7919 should you need further assistance or have questions.

Doug Knudsen
President, ConAgra Foods Sales

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