Thursday, August 7, 2008

raw oysters labeled “For Cooking Only”

To Retail Food Regulatory Agencies:

We are providing the following information to you in advance of its delivery to the retail food trade organizations and asking your assistance in advising food establishments that raw oysters labeled “For Cooking Only” should not be sold or served to consumers in the raw form. FDA expects this “For Cooking Only” labeling as a control for the reduction of risk associated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters to be a temporary measure.

We are asking your assistance to help provide the attached information to retailers and restaurateurs who serve or sell raw oysters. If possible, please forward this advice to your organization’s members and to your state affiliate organizations as well. Certain states are requiring some shipments of oysters be labeled “For Cooking Only” as part of their Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control Plan under the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP).

This attachment explains what that means and how these oysters should be used. Thank you for helping us get this public health message out to food establishments that serve or sell this product.

If you have further questions, please contact your regulatory agency or an FDA Regional Retail Food Specialist.August 6, 2008

FDA Advice to Retail and Foodservice Operations on Raw Oysters Shipped With “For Cooking Only” Label As Part Of A Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control Plan

FDA is advising retail and foodservice operations to be aware that raw oysters shipped in containers bearing a“For Cooking Only” label may have a greater likelihood of containing harmful levels of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) bacterium, which may cause illness, than do raw oysters not labeled in this manner.

Retail and foodservice operations should not purchase containers or packages of raw oysters that bear the “For Cooking Only” label unless the operator intends to fully cook the product before offering it for sale or service to the consumer.

The label is the result of new National Shellfish Sanitation Program provisions that call for oyster dealers to use the new label if harvesting conditions do not meet specific criteria for reduced risk of Vp contamination.

In addition to thoroughly cooking oysters that have the “For Cooking Only” label, food establishments that receive these oysters should take extra precaution to prevent cross-contamination of other foods and surfaces.
Molluscan shellfish, such as raw oysters, should be obtained only from sources listed on the Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List

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