Thursday, February 26, 2009

Products from PCA Plainview

February 26, 2009

Products from PCA Plainview, Texas produced on or after January 1, 2007:

FDA has notified the industry that all products produced at the PCA Plainview, Texas facility since January 1, 2007 are subject to a Class I recall. Since the PCA company is bankrupt and no longer has any contact with its customers, FDA is taking this action on behalf of the company.

This action by FDA supports the recall order issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). DSHS will be contacting all first level consignees who received product from PCA Plainview to notify them of the recall of product produced since January 1, 2007.

FDA will conduct 100% effectiveness checks of the consignees notified by Texas DSHS to be certain all first level consignees that received PCA Plainview product since January 1, 2007 are aware of the recall.

These consignees should then notify subsequent recipients of the products, and this notification should extend to the retail level. FDA will be doing effectiveness checks at the retail level. Retailers are encouraged to check the FDA Web site frequently for updated information on products being recalled and/or withdrawn. The list is available at:

Products from PCA Plainview produced between March 2005 and January 1, 2007:

Texas DSHS has also ordered a recall of PCA Plainview products produced back to March, 2005. However, the records of consignees prior to January 2007 are not available at this time. Should these records be located, Texas DSHS will notify these consignees of the recall. FDA considers the products produced at PCA Plainview between March 2005 and January 1, 2007 to be subject to withdrawal. If manufacturers or retailers know they have products containing ingredients from PCA Plainview dating back to March 2005 they are strongly advised to withdraw the products from sale. (Note that Texas DSHS said it is unlikely that any product produced prior to January 1, 2007 is still in the marketplace.)

Replacement products at retail:

FDA is aware of the challenges retailers are having with proving that replacement products do not contain recalled ingredients. During effectiveness checks, it is advised that retailers have documentation (such as lot codes, sell-by dates or sourcing peanuts from another supplier) to show that product for sale is not subject to the recall.

Disposition of recalled products:

FDA requested that PCA customers contact FDA recall coordinators regarding the proper disposition of recalled products. A link to the Recall Coordinators is available on the FDA Web site at:

FMI has requested that FDA post disposition guidance on the Web site so that this information is available to everyone.

Products from PCA Plainview subsequently heat processed:

According to FDA, companies that are roasting peanuts should have a validated process. Blanching does not destroy Salmonella. The roasting process should be a kill step, but because there are many variables in the roasting process, the process should be validated to ensure it is effective at destroying Salmonella. Roasting facilities should submit their roasting process to the FDA District Office to confirm their validated process.

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